Meet Kaela


Pediatric sleep consultant, mom of 3, dog lover

I'm the owner of Sustainable Sleep Solutions. As a Pediatric Sleep Consultant, I get to help families create lasting change in their daily lives-through sleep! 

I have personally been on the exhausted, anxious and totally stumped side of infant sleep and chances are you have too. 

While working with families providing postpartum support, it became clear that a huge missing piece of the puzzle was sleep support. Families were exhausted with no real solution towards sustainable sleep. They were unsure what to do and how to navigate their child's sleep. It was clear that the parents needed support and education around sleep. I made the decision to focus more on sleep and dove into education, accreditations and the like to best serve clients and their baby, toddler and child sleep needs. 

All families are unique and I believe there is no "one size fits all" approach to sleep. 

As a Sleep Consultant with a background in psychology and maternal mental health, I work well with families experiencing various mental health conditions on finding the right approach and results for their child's sleep. Clients thrive with support around sleep and families have become better rested, report feeling alive again and have more patience with their children. 

When not serving my clients, as a mother of three I spend time adventuring with my children in the mountains and in the ocean, volunteering, attending youth sports. Our recent addition of a rescue puppy has me sleep training all over again, in a totally different way!

I can't wait to work with you!

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of your child's sleep

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